Wednesday 7 July 2010

Winter Break And The Time We Don't Have

Yeah. It came. At last.

Now the only question is, what to do with it? Ain't it always the same question? Every single time you have time, you have all this things you have to take care of, and the time you thought you had, suddenly, you don't. Not anymore, or at least, not to spare.

Napoleon - the short one - used to say that you don't have time, you make time. He's right, you know? We lead busy, busy lives. We have to make time for time. And for all those other silly little things that we neglect on an overstressed workday. Like eating or sleeping right. Some people forget to dream high. I know I forget to work out. Or I just am too lazy after a full day of studying and working and public transportation. Yeah, I know you know what I mean. Tall people and their smelly armpitches cramped into a bus on their way to the suburbs. Yucks. Who wants to work out after that?

Anyways, here am I, bloging. And thinking of my to do list. Yes, a to do list is a very important artifact over the winter break - or any break. Actually, it's just grand, I'm a fan. You know that doctor you should have gone to a couple of months ago? It's on the list. What about the dentist? On the list. Going to the bank to see about that credit card? On the list. The dog needs his shot? The List. The trip you're planning? Put it on The List. See? It's easy to postpone the suffering and to keep on neglecting. My advice? Yes, lists are nice. I, for instance, am adicted to them. But you NEED a deadline, my friend. Or else you'll keep on not having time and not doing anything about the things that need to be done in your life. And trust me, there are always things that need to be done "yesterday" in our lives.

Happy are those who are very very busy. And very very happy about that.

Tuesday 6 July 2010


Pois bem. Relacionamento novo, aspirações novas. Esperanças, sonhos, encantamento. Promessas. Ou pelo menos, pactos. Mesmo que mal-compreendidos. Mal-estabelecidos. Tem-se um entendimento, ou entende-se que se tem algum.
Então, desilusão.
Porque sempre há desilusão.
Mas você, sabiamente, já estava preparado para a inevitável desilusão. Afinal, companheiro, ela sempre te espera, no dobrar de cada esquina. Por cima do seu ombro você a vê, sua respiração você a sente em sua nuca. Sempre um passo atrás. Sempre atrás.
Preparado você está. Você tem que estar. Não é mesmo? Você sabe que ela vai chegar, de supetão, uma hora. Inclusive,  você a vê de relance. Na verdade, na honesta verdade, você a procura. Mas é pra se preparar, se manter alerta. Vigilância constante. Não é, meu caro?


Então, ela chega. Já esperada. Antecipada inclusive. É uma confortável amiga, de longa data. Periódicas e regulares visitas ela te presta, mas sempre te acompanha. Você busca sua companhia.
É doce seu som nos meus lábios.
É velha amiga minha e da