Friday 4 December 2009

Alice in Wonderland

You might have noticed that I have a special liking to Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, particularly The Mad Hatter. I took my alias from it - before you ask me, it's mEdhatter because I am a mEd student (and just slightly mad). I love the novel and the Disney movie. But I know I am in for a big surprise come March the 5th: Tim Burton's AiW release. He already announced that he has never made anything quite like it before. This coming from the guy that directed Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands.

My friend, the connoisseur, doesn't like Burton much. He says Burton has this aesthetics - very unique, undoubtedly - but very repetitious. I always feel like I am watching a bit of an echo. Meaning: his movies look a lot alike. It's not like leaving a distinctive digital impression on your work, like many brilliant directors do. It's more like an actor who gives solid performances but you can always see the same mannerisms behind the characters, like Johnny Depp, Burton's BFF. Don't get me wrong, I adore Burton's taste - after all, he is dating HBC. And I like many of his movies. But my friend has a very good point. It's always more of the same. My latest theory is that he has a thing for patterns. He always chooses a particular kind of story, always work with the same concept of art. Lately, he is even working with much of the same cast. Having your own "company" or cast is a very controversial topic: people like Ingmar Bergman did that throughout their whole careers and nobody said anything about it. Maybe just there weren't that many actors in Sweden. Then again, Bergman isn't exactly in the "people' category, is he?

Anyway, I await anxiously for the movie's release. And like everybody else, I wonder: Will Burton live up to Carroll's Wondrous Universe? Will it be just another Burton-Depp movie? Or will Burton keep his promise and deliver something as fresh and original as Bettlejuice was back then? The optimistic in me is confident that Burton won't let us down. More on the topic after March the 5th.

My inspirational guru. I have a feeling that the story has been slightly changed from it's original version to fit Burton's cast: the Hatter's role was enlarged. Might be just a feeling. Or not.
Randomness: You gotta love the costume and make-up artists.

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