Sunday 29 August 2010

Obsessed in obsessing

Over a Saturday tea yesterday I came to a conclusion - okay, my best mate came to this life-changing epiphany: I'm obsessed about obsessing. Really. Looking back, I can see a clear pattern of disasters that reclaim themselves after this statment. I'll elaborate.

When a situation presents itself before me, if it really appeals to me, I'll suck it into my own particular dreamworld and obsess about it with such intesity that will drive my friends up the walls. But with the same intensity that it came, it can soon go away, just like that. Like a warm summer breeze that just passed by you. I won't even know how to explain what it was all about a couple of days later. Sad?

No, I'm not crazy! It's the intensity of the moment. The fury of passion. And it's not like I need a new toy every couple of days. I just need one that will hold my interest long enough. I try. I really do. But as my very smart friend pointed out, I might be trying too hard, or maybe trying in the wrong direction. He also told me I would make the weridest stalker: follow the stalkee flawlessly until "hey, it's no fun anymore, I give up". He has a twisted sense of humor.

The truth is, I always have at least a couple of obsessions in my life, to keep me going, you know? Like my personal talismans. One has been with me since I can remember: surgery. It's such a close relationship now that it's a part of me, of who I am. Others come and go. My most recent one, the topic of my Saturday tea, well, I acquired it this week. Merlin knows how long it will stick around. If things keep looking as gloomy as they've been so far, it might be just a summer breeze. I hope not, he's very cute.

 I have terrible obsessions. He's just not one of them. ;-)

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