Monday 30 August 2010

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mom's birthday. We made her breakfast - pancakes, juice, eggs, the works. There was cake.

It's been esentially a good day. We have some of those. My mom and I, we get along reasonably well, but like in all relationships, we have our bad days - and Merlin, when they are bad, they really are. Sometimes I feel that we don't speak the same language, even though we are from such a close generation, even though my friends are almost her age, even though I've dated people almost her age. We just don't get each other. Maybe it's not about the age. I hope not, since today she turns one year older - looking fabulous by the way. Kudos for my mom!

Sometimes I imagine how it would be like to hang out with my parents back in the days, when they were just young adults, like me. Go to a bar, drink, have fun. Without the parenthood hanging over our heads. They are really cool now, they should have been the talk of the party during the 70s, 80s. How cool would it be?

You know that thing that people say - you have to love your family? Not true. You love people because you do. Not because you are related to them. And I love my mom, just as a person can love another one. Happy Birthday, mom! <3

1 comment:

  1. Minha amada! Tenho que concordar com o texto...apesar de ficar de bico com algumas partes, tem razão! O problema é que ser MÃE é complicado, e ser SUA MÃE é mais complicado ainda...os conflitos são muitos, e, convenhamos, o passado lhe condena...o que torna o nosso relacionamento uma história de suspense constante, mas sempre (espero) com um final (super) feliz! Pode parecer "clichê", mas tenho certeza que um dia você vai ME entender, e compreender o porquê as pessoas que amam muito, as vezes agem de forma estranha e incoerente! Te amo muito! Bjks mamãe
    Ahhh, e o café foi realmente maravilhoso, daqueles de hotel de luxo, de rainha...
