Thursday 26 November 2009

Duck Tale, a romantic comedy

Have you seen a really good romantic comedy lately? The answer to this question is probably a 'no'. President Lula will develop a 10th finger before I see a good romantic comedy plot.

Let me rephrase that: I have to admit that I like the genre (People's evidence #1 that Laura is indeed a girl), although I haven't seen a good romantic comedy in such a long time that I loose my faith in Hollywood - only to have it restored by Sandra or Meg or whomever. Perhaps the bad reputation this kind of movies have are well deserved: for one good movie out there there are at least 10 bordering mediocre and 20 downright stupid.

There are two categories of chick flicks: the teen-romantic-comedy and the rest. The first group has the biggest score of dumb movies ever shot with the same plot. Really, the plot is unchangeable. It goes like this: boy meets girl. Boy gets stupid and does stupid things to get the wrong girl. We ALL know she is the wrong girl for him. After awhile, he falls in love with the right girl, who was there all along. The end. The main character might be the girl. (I might be oversimplifying, but who cares). For more on Hollywood stereotypes, check this out.

On with our post.

On my High School days, I might have used this same plot on my first movie ever. Yes, rather commercial of me and on an Indie movie no less, but we had one afternoon to do it and at the time, I was rather pleased with the result. I wrote, directed and edited it. I remember that I even thought about continuity mistakes but after the first takes, I was happy if the camera was steady enough. Yes, low budget and all. My actor are excellent though, as you can check out for yourselves after the credits, on the making of. We had so much fun. I think we got an A in English.

Seriously, if this short movie was shown on the telly nowadays, we would debunk a lot of crappy movies out there. At least ours has spirit.

Any of us have a career on the entertainment business or we better stick to our day jobs?

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