Saturday 7 November 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Bill!

We all have that distant related uncle that we are very fond of, but we never get to see him, right? And we all have very good reason for not doing so: he can be an ex-con, the funny-uncle-kind or just living very, VERY far away (like, hum, SEATTLE!).

So we had a little get together today to honour this beloved member of our clan, whose birthday is today. HAPPY B-DAY UNCLE BILL! (btw, I'm taking the pictures, as you can notice, for the top quality angle).

This must be the hottest day of the year so far. And the pizza oven makes everything extra heatted. It is a shame that Star Trek technology hasn't evolved so far as to let us have our family gathering with you, uncle Bill. On today's event we had mom, dad, uncle Kiko and Patricia. Gourmet pizza and nice wine. Sweet, uh? I just wanted to post these pictures. Notice the nice sign *I* drew. Mwahaha.

The Brazilians miss the Seattleens. Live long and prosper my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Amei o seu blog! E, ontem, o dia estava realmente m-u-i-t-o quente! mas a "festinha" foi legal...
